Nonfunctional Fireplace
Make your fireplace structurally safe
Make your fireplace structurally safe
Experts in the repair, restoration and
cleaning of smoking fireplaces and chim-
ney deterioration. Certified inspections.
Fireplace Installation
Add beauty and home value
Add beauty and home value
Choose from the newest trends: free
standing, contemporary, traditional,
including custom masonry.
Chimney Caps, Covers & Dampers
Prevent rain, animals debris and sparks
Prevent rain, animals debris and sparks
on your roof with a well fitted chimney
cap critical to keeping your chimney
and fireplace in working order.
Inspection & Chimney Maintenance
A clean chimney is a safe chimney.
A clean chimney is a safe chimney.
Regular chimney cleanings, inspections
and maintenance should be performed
on wood-burning fireplaces.
What Others Have to Say
High standards, reliable, cost effective
High standards, reliable, cost effective
“We were amazed at the change, from a
non functional eyesore to the gorgeous
spotlight of our room.”